New Student Enrollment Checklist

Every new student must complete the following checklist to be considered fully enrolled. 

  1. Complete the initial application
  2. Submit the completed enrollment packet (steps emailed to you from FACTS-SIS after Step 1 is completed)
  3. Course selection for incoming freshmen will begin every October with our registration nights. If you missed early registration, reach out to

Transfer Students

  • After an initial application has been submitted, PND Admissions sends a transfer request to current high school for a sign-off on discipline and course credits
  • After a student is fully enrolled, the family will be connected with our Athletic Director in order to fill out any paperwork for IHSA eligibility
  • Transfer students will need to provide an updated State of IL medical form and dental form. Only out-of-state transfers will need to provide an updated vision form. 
    • Note: To participate in sports, families provide a sports physical. The State of IL medical form can qualify as a sports physical and has a specific page that signs-off on physical education class participation. *A general sports physical does not count as the State of IL medical form.*

Students from Public School, Home School, or Non-affiliated Private School

  • Public and private school families will need to provide a discipline sign-off form from their grade school as well as grades and standardized testing from junior high. See attached form below!
  • If coming from home-schooling, families will need to provide the curriculum covered in the most recent year of school (likely eighth grade). For placement in honors courses, the Admissions Office may also ask for standardized testing scores. 
  • All freshmen students will need to provide an updated State of IL medical form and dental form for the start of the school year. 
    • Note: To participate in sports, families provide a sports physical. The State of IL medical form can qualify as a sports physical and has a specific page that signs-off on physical education class participation. *A general sports physical does not count as the State of IL medical form.*

Students from Affiliated Partner Schools

Blessed Sacrament, Holy Family, St. Edward, St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Mark, St. Mary-Kickapoo, St. Mary-Metamora, St. Patrick, St. Philomena, St. Thomas, St. Vincent de Paul
  • To apply for honors courses, families will need to provide 6th-8th grade report cards, MAPS scores, and a short essay to the Admissions Office for review. See forms below.
  • The partner schools provide discipline sign-offs and records (like birth certificates, etc) at the end of eighth grade with the PND school office directly.
  • All freshmen students will need to provide an updated State of IL medical form and dental form for the start of the school year. 
    • Note: To participate in sports, families provide a sports physical. The State of IL medical form can qualify as a sports physical and has a specific page that signs-off on physical education class participation. *A general sports physical does not count as the State of IL medical form.*