(309) 691-8741


Your Relationship with Christ

The foundation of our school is in Christ Jesus. Students at Peoria Notre Dame are invited into more than just an education of the Catholic faith, but a deeper understanding of the Person of Jesus Christ and His role in their lives.

Faith life at PND gives students opportunities to experience the Sacraments and develop deeper prayer lives through retreats, mission trips and more.

Sacramental Life at PND

Daily Mass: A Advisory (Tue, Wed, Thu) / 7:25 AM (Mon, Fri)

Confession: B Advisory (Wed, Thu)

Adoration: 8AM-3PM (Wed, Thu)

March for Life

The annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. has been a tradition for PND students for decades. Each year, over 100 PND students travel to join hundreds of thousands of young people from across the country, to defend the sanctity of human life in all stages, as well as witness to the authentic joy and gift of every human life.

Small Groups

A wide variety of weekly small groups are available to our students throughout the year. Each small group is led by a different faculty member and covers various faith and life themes. Small groups are a wonderful opportunity for students to share with their peers on many topics, all with the goal of building personal faith and authentic friendships. To join a small group, please contact Campus Ministry.

Lumen Christi

Lumen Christi is a group committed to illuminating our school with the Light of Christ: the only Light that brings true light, peace, beauty, love and goodness. Those who are part of Lumen Christi commit themselves to first receiving the Light of Christ through prayer, Confession and especially the Eucharist. Thereby, they then become “living candles” and givers of this Light: authentic Christian witnesses that shine in the school, transforming the lives of those around them.

Retreats and Days of Recollection

Throughout the year, our Campus Ministry team offers various optional retreats for students. As well, each class has a yearly Day of Recollection – an opportunity to ‘come away’ for a day, to grow more deeply in their faith and their relationship with Christ.

Teens for Life

Teens For Life at Peoria Notre Dame High School takes on the challenge of educating and involving high school students on pro-life issues and the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. Members take part in various pro-life activities throughout the year including bi-monthly meetings, 40 Days for Life, March for Life, Life Chain, school activities and events and more.

I am very involved in the campus ministry groups at PND, and without those clubs, I can honestly say I would not have a prayer life. Prayer always seems to be the first to go when things get busy, but clubs like Lumen Christi and Teens for Life remind me that you can never let yourself stray away from God if you want to live a happy and successful life.

Maddi CavePND 2021