(309) 691-8741
309-691-8741, ext. 3342

Connie Cassidy

Science Teacher
Favorite Quote: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill


Mrs. Cassidy grew up in Peoria, Illinois and decided to go into education to make a difference in the world. She became a science teacher to help students better understand the world, in which science is a vitally important part. Since joining the PND faculty, she has enjoyed getting to know the students and staff at PND and working in such a supportive and positive environment. Outside of school, Mrs. Cassidy has several hobbies including  playing tennis, working out, walking with her dog, and working in the yard. She also loves watching home improvement shows and doing projects around the house. 





  • Bachelor of Science in Business, Bradley University
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology, Illinois State University
  • Master of Science in Biology, Bradley University

About Mrs. Cassidy

  • Started Teaching in 1988
  • Employed at PND in 2021