(309) 691-8741

Prospective Family FAQs

What are the unique features of PND?

PND is rooted in Catholic faith and principles, has 160 years of tradition and education experience, and has a safe and caring environment. One other stand-out aspect of PND life is the individualized attention each student receives with collaboration between faculty, staff, counselors, coaches, campus ministers, and student support services to best support the unique needs of every student. There is something for everyone with 22 teams and 40 clubs/activities.

What are our school hours?

A regular school day begins at 8 AM and dismisses at 3:05 PM.

Does PND offer bus transportation?

Yes! Sign-ups for bus transportation will go out the summer ahead of the start of the school year. Students can ride the bus in both the morning and afternoon or just once a day based on what works best for the family’s schedule. We travel all over with the bus!

Are there opportunities for tuition assistance?

Yes! There are many opportunities for tuition assistance. The first step is to fill out the financial aid application at this link. More information on scholarships and endowments that fund our tuition assistance can be found on the same page. Money should never stop a family from considering Peoria Notre Dame. 90% of our families that apply for financial aid receive it.

How does PND tuition cost compare to other private schools in the Midwest?

To educate a student at Peoria Notre Dame, it costs $13,500 per student. Through parish subsidies, we bring that number down as much as possible to $8,000.

What is the average class size?

The average class size is 16.

Does PND offer academic enrichment opportunities?

Yes! Not only are our core courses at a rigorous level, but also we have several pathways for enrichment opportunities: AP Capstone, Project Lead the Way (PLTW) in engineering, biomedical science, and computer science, and dual credit courses.

How does PND meet the needs of students with a learning disability or challenge?

PND offers a Student Support Services program run by our Director of Guidance and Student Support Services that ensures students’ 504 plans and ISPs are accommodated by all within the building. This program also runs our tutoring program, providing help in all subject areas. We also have specific math lab and Spanish tutoring for additional help in those subjects run by teachers from those content areas.

What technology does PND have available at school?

PND has a 1:1 program with Macbook Pros. The 1:1 program has been highly successful, allowing students the opportunity to collaborate effectively, access resources from anywhere, develop technology skills, and make educated choices as a digital citizen.

Does PND offer world language?

Yes! We offer two world languages: French and Spanish.

Does PND have a choir/band program?

Yes! Our music program counts as class credit. We have a concert choir that meets during advisory, and a band program including pep and marching band. Band meets before school during a zero hour.

What athletics does PND offer?

PND has 22 IHSA teams, each with an awesome coaching staff. Check out more information about our different athletic offerings here.

When do I register for the 2024-2025 school year?

Registration will begin in October! Email Director of Admissions, Annie Carroll, with any questions at

How do PND students get involved in the community?

PND students get involved in a variety of ways, especially through service in the community. Each student is required to have at least 100 hours of service by graduation senior year, and these service projects happen throughout the Greater Peoria community. Also, our students are involved in their local parish life, traveling sports, community theater, and work part-time jobs and internships!