(309) 691-8741

Christian Service Program

The Christian Service Program (CSP) is designed to send students out into the community and to help those in need. The Christian Service Program is based on the Corporal Works and the Spiritual Works of Mercy. All Peoria Notre Dame High School students are required to complete 100 hours of service prior to graduation.


The following are the guidelines for the Christian Service Program and projects:

1. Students are required to complete a minimum of 100 hours of service through the CSP prior to graduation. Transfer students, after consultation with the CSP director, will have the number of required hours reduced. Exchange Students are exempt from the CSP requirement.

2. Students are not required to complete 25 hours per year. The 100 hours may be completed over the four years as best suits the student and his or her family. Students are encouraged to begin the CSP early in their time at PND to avoid a last-minute struggle to complete the CSP requirement.

3. The CSP requires that a 20-hour minimum commitment be devoted to each project. No project will be counted toward the requirement unless it comprises at least 20 hours by the completion of the project. Projects of less than 20 hours per year can accumulate and receive credit over a number of years if the student continues similar service at that same site. The entire 100 hours can be completed through one project if desired, or any combination of 20+ hour projects can be used to meet the required 100 hours. For example, a student could do any of the following: 1 project of 100 hours; 3 projects consisting of 34 hours; 5 projects of 20 hours each.

4. Projects can be completed during the summer and/or school year.

5. Generally, incoming students should wait to begin the CSP after information has been presented during the fall of the freshman year. If students are involved in a project the summer before high school begins, it may be applied toward the service requirement if it follows all the guidelines of the CSP as stated on the website and in the handbook. For questions on the CSP, please email

6. All projects must be registered by the student by filling out the registration form five days prior to beginning the project. No project will receive credit unless this guideline has been followed.

7. The primary guidelines for acceptance of a project require that every project demonstrate a connection to at least one of the Corporal/ Spiritual Works of Mercy. Each project should bring the student into direct service of one or more persons in need. Projects that fail to demonstrate these criteria will be rejected.

8. Senior projects end on May 1. All other projects must end by May 31 of each academic year. Continuing projects must be registered again in order to receive credit.

9. All completed projects must be evaluated by the student on the appropriate Evaluation Form.

10. Students may not receive monetary compensation for service projects. This includes money, gifts, tuition remission from the parish, or any other compensation.

11. Generally, CSP projects are not completed for family members. The CSP asks students to broaden the concept of neighbor to include those outside of friends and family. (Exceptions can be made for some Independent Projects via a written request and approval of the CSP Director).

12. Generally, a project supervisor should not be a family member of the student involved in the project. A project supervisor should be a responsible adult capable of adequately supervising a minor.

13. Parents should be involved in the selection of a suitable project and should monitor the project to ensure that the student is well supervised.

14. Students should arrange their service projects on their own by contacting a parish or organization or agency directly. They should find projects that can readily be identified with the Corporal or Spiritual Works of Mercy, and bring participants into direct personal contact with a person or persons in need. Projects that are more properly regarded as supportive of activities whose long range objective is a Corporal or Spiritual Work of Mercy, such as decorating, setting-up, cleaning-up for a fundraiser; clerical work; maintenance work; fundraising; ticket taking; coaching or assisting with athletics; working a concession stand, etc. ARE UNACCEPTABLE. Some excellent project suggestions are included in the CSP handbook. Students should also contact the CSP Director for additional information or further suggestions and assistance.

15. The CSP Director’s primary responsibilities for participants’ include: maintaining accurate records on each student’s status in the CSP; educating, motivating, and supporting students involved in the CSP; promoting and advertising service opportunities; and acting as a resource person for students, parents, and organizations requesting information on the CSP.

16. When a student completes the required 100 hours and all the necessary paperwork, he or she will receive notification that he/she has completed the program. Student diplomas and final transcripts recognize CSP completion.

17. Students who complete at least 150 hours will receive special recognition at their Senior Honors Assembly. All PND transcripts and diplomas carry a notification that the CSP has been successfully completed.

18. Any junior student who has not yet begun a CSP project by the end of that academic year will be notified that a project must be started by Sept. 1 of his or her Senior year or else the CSP Director will select a project for the student from an approved list of available projects. Completion of that project becomes the highest priority after academic concerns.

19. All disputes will be handled according to PND due process procedures.

20. Even though supervisors are responsible for keeping an accurate record of student service hours to report to the CSP Director, it is suggested that the student also keep a log of hours served.

21. Whenever a student, parent, or supervisor becomes aware of inappropriate behavior at a project site, the CSP Director should be contacted immediately so that appropriate action may be undertaken.


Incorporates one or more of the Corporal/Spiritual Works of Mercy
Is well supervised.
Leaves the student with the knowledge that another person’s life has been enhanced due to his/her efforts
Can be seen as furthering the MESSAGE AND MINISTRY of JESUS.
Brings the student into direct personal service of another person
Consists of a 20-hour minimum time commitment
Meets all CSP guidelines.
Provides an educational experience for the participating student that will challenge the student beyond what is known and comfortable.
Has been registered and approved before it is started.
Is easily verified by a supervisor and thoroughly evaluated by the student.
Is in an area of interest to the student.



Contact CSP

Additional information on the CSP program can be found in the Peoria Notre Dame High School CSP Handbook. For questions, please contact