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PND students attended the National Catholic Youth Conference

PND students attended the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), a three-day jam-packed event along with three other schools from the Peoria Diocese: Bloomington Central Catholic, Marquette Academy, and Schlarman Academy! A big thank you to Bishop Lou Tylka and the diocese for making it possible for students to attend this event! We also loved having Bishop Lou join us throughout the weekend, including saying Mass for the Peoria Diocese members! (Check out the special BLT sign in his honor in the photos!)
Joining 14,000 other young Catholics in Indiana, the students had awesome opportunities to hear from knowledgeable speakers, attend Confession and Adoration, and participate in Mass! Sr. Jude Andrew, one of our teachers and campus ministers here at PND, absolutely ROCKED the keynote presentation she gave to all 14,000 people in attendance! The PND students got to pray over her before she gave the talk, and it was so special to hear her message on God’s love and the personal invitation He extends to each of us.
The students were also very grateful to get to know other high schoolers from our diocese and across the nation. Special shout-out to Fr. John Cyr (Schlarman), Fr. Nic Wilson (Marquette — and PND alum!), and Fr. Daniel McShane (PND)! We had a lot of fun with all of the chaplains, who offered the Sacraments, played games, and spent time with everyone.