Congratulations to Sr. Agnes Paulina Maciol who was named Outstanding Teacher of the Year for Peoria Notre Dame! We are very blessed to have Sr. Agnes Paulina at PND!
As Mrs. Kelly said at the luncheon, Sr. Agnes Paulina has been at Peoria Notre Dame for three years and, during that time, has made a significant difference in the lives of our students, as well as in the science department and entire school. She currently serves as science department head and has been instrumental in growing our biomedical pathway for our Project Lead the Way program. In her Human Body Systems class, for example, she brings in a variety of medical professionals as guest speakers and arranges learning experiences in the community, at places like the JUMP simulation center. Aside from her credentials, she radiates joy and has the rare ability to hold students accountable for their coursework and actions while also making them feel appreciated and understood. One colleague who nominated Sr. Agnes Paulina had this to say about her: “Sister works with her many students from her many different classes with an abundance of joy. She challenges her students all while encouraging them to grow into the person God made them to be. Her students love her for those very reasons.”
Thank you to the Peters Family & the Kiwanis Club of Peoria for sponsoring this award and event! Congratulations to the other award recipients: Kimberly Still, Margaret Withrow, Katie Crawford, Connie Schwarzentraub, and Amanda Liaromatis.