Congratulations to the seniors on the girls swimming & diving team who had their senior night on Tuesday: Bailey Amerman, Archer Gibbons, Helen Harms, Sophia Showalter, and Mairah Vargas! We are so proud of you ladies and wish you best of luck at your meet vs University High School tonight! We also want to give a huge shout-out to Coach Tracy Miller, who is coaching her last season with our girls this year.
As Head Coach Derek Amerman wrote, Coach Tracy has been “the cornerstone of the PND Girls Swimming and Diving team. Some people say our lives are defined by the positive impact we have on the lives of others, and no one has done that more than Coach Tracy. She has given tirelessly of herself every day to not only make her athletes better swimmers, but more importantly, better people.” Thank you so much, Coach Tracy, for all that you have done for our swim program!